The following subject guides represent only a small portion of our collections, and do not represent every subject strength in our collections. Please remember that the listed titles are only those in Special Collections - many other sources can be found in other departments of the Library.
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Subject Guide to The Yakama Indians
Central Washington University
Special Collections
November 2006
Prepared by Anne Taylor
Beavert , Virginia, and Consortium of Johnson O'Malley Committees of Region IV, State of Washington. The Way It Was: Anaku Iwacha: Yakima Legends: Teacher's Curriculum Guide. Toppenish, Wash.: Franklin Press, 1974. E99.Y2 W38.
Beavert , Virginia, and Consortium of Johnson ''Malley Committees of Region IV, State of Washington. Yakima Language Practical Dictionary. Toppenish, Wash.: Consortium of Johnson O'Malley Committees, 1975. PM2611.Y34.
Bischoff, William N., and George Wright. The Yakima Campaign of 1856. S.L.:, 1949. F897.Y18 B57.
Guie, Heister Dean. Tribal Days of the Yakimas. Yakima, Wash.: Republic Publishing Company, 1937. E99.Y2 G8.
Johnson, Inez Noelle. Yakima: A Novel. 1st ed. New York: Pageant Press, 1954. PS3519.O2618 Y3 1954.
Kelly, Plympton J., William N. Bischoff, and Washington State Historical Society. We Were Not Summer Soldiers: The Indian War Diary of Plympton J. Kelly, 1855-1856. Tacoma: Washington State Historical Society, 1976. E83.84.K44.
McGavran, Grace Winifred, and Janet Smalley. Yakima Boy. New York: Friendship Press, 1952. 813.M144y.
McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil. The Crime Against the Yakimas. 1st ed. North Yakima , Wash.: Republic Print, 1913. E99.Y2 M2.
---. Tragedy of the Wahk-Shum; Prelude to the Yakima Indian War, 1855-56; the Killing of Major Andrew J. Bolon; Eyewitness Account by Su-El-Lil, Locating the Place of Bolon's Death; and Indian Legends. Addendum: Definition of " Yakima " ... Introduction by H. D. Guie. Yakima, Wash.: Priv. pub. by L. V. McWhorter, 1937. E99.Y2 M3.
Pace, Robert E., and Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Indian Nation of the Yakama Reservation. Tribal Council. The Land of the Yakimas. Toppenish, Wash.: Yakima Indian Nation Tribal Council, 1977. E99.Y2 P32.
Pace, Robert E. Yakima Indian Nation Bibliography. Yakima: Yakima Indian Nation Media Services, 1978. Z1210.Y3 P115.
Pandosy, Charles Marie. Grammar and Dictionary of the Yakama Language. New York: AMS Press, 1970. PM2611.P3 1970.
Relander, Click, Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Indian Nation of the Yakama Reservation. Tribal Council, and United States. Treaty Centennial,1855-1955, the Yakimas. 1st ed. Yakima, Wash.: Republic Press, 1955. E99.Y2 R4.
Relander, Click. Strangers on the Land; a Historiette of a Longer Story of the Yakima Indian Nation's Efforts to Survive Against Great Odds. Yakima, Wash.: Franklin Press, 1962. E99.Y2 R39.
Relander, Click. Drummers and Dreamers. Caldwell, Id.: Caxton Press, 1986. E99.W26 R4.
Splawn, Andrew Jackson. Ka-Mi-Akin, the Last Hero of the Yakimas. Portland, Or.: Kilham Stationery & Printing Co., 1917. E99.Y2 K15.
Strong, James Clark. Wah-Kee-Nah and Her People: The Curious Customs, Traditions, and Legends of the North American Indians. New York: G. P. Putnam, 1893. E77.S92.
Uebelacker, Morris Leo, and Jeffery S. Wilson. Time Ball: A Story of the Yakima People and the Land: A Cultural Resource Overview. Yakima , Wash.: The Yakima Nation, 1984. E99.Y2 U43 1984.
Waterman, T. T. Indian Notes and Monographs. New York: Museum of the American Indian, 1921. E98.D9 W3.
Willard, Helen. Pow-Wow, and Other Yakima Indian Traditions. 1st ed. Prosser, Wash.: Roza Run Pub. Co., 1990. E99.Y2 W54 1990.
Winder, R. M. Study of the Revival of the Arts and Crafts of the Yakima Indian Nation. Ellensburg, Wash.: Central Washington University, 1969. LD5771.31.W56.