The following subject guide represents only a small portion of our collections, and does not represent all of the subject strengths of our collections. Please remember that the listed titles are only those in Special Collections-- many other sources can be found in other units of the Library.
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Subject Guide to Chelan County
Central Washington University
Special Collections
July 2006
Prepared by Anne Taylor
- Anderson, Eva Greenslit. John A. Gellatly, First Citizen. Wenatchee: Wenatchee World, 1947. F899.W4 G449 1947.
- Anderson, Eva Greenslit. Jacob Miller, Perennial Pioneer. Wenatchee: Wenatchee World, 1953. F899.W4 M55 1953.
- Anderson, Eva Greenslit. The Shotwell Story. Wenatchee: Wenatchee World, 1953. F891.S4.
- Anderson, Eva Greenslit. Charles F. Keiser, the Pioneer with a Yen for Work. Wenatchee: Wenatchee World, 1954. F899.W4 K45 1954.
- Anderson, Eva Greenslit. E. T. Pybus, the Ingenious Pioneer. Wenatchee: Wenatchee World, 1954. F899.W4 P93 1954.
- Anderson, Eva Greenslit. C. Clarence Ward, Pioneer Surveyor. Wenatchee: Wenatchee World, 1956. F897.W44 W37 1956.
- Anderson, Eva Greenslit. Dr. Isaac Hubbard, Manson's Pioneer Doctor. Wenatchee: Wenatchee World, n. d. F897.C4 H83.
- Blonk, Hu. Behind the By-Line. Wenatchee: the author, 1997. F899.W4 B56 1992.
- Briley, Ann. Lonely Pedestrian. Fairfield, WA: Ye Galleon, 1986. F891.S89 B75 1986.
- Bright, Al C. Apples Galore: The History of the Apple Industry in the Wenatchee Valley. Wenatchee: Directed Media, 1988. HD9259.A6 W2 1988.
- Brown, John Arthur. John Brown Centennial Bibliography. Wenatchee: Wenatchee Library, 1989. F899.W4 B76 1989.
- Byrd, Robert. Lake Chelan in the 1890s. Wenatchee: Byrd-Song Publishing, 1992. F897.C4 L35 1992.
- Dappen, Andy. Buckle of the Power Belt. Wenatchee: Wenatchee World, 2005. PN4899.W45 W46 2005.
- Dow, Edson. Passes to the North: the History of the Wenatchee Mountains. Wenatchee: Wenatchee Bindery, 1963. F897.C4 D6.
- Durham, Nelson Wayne. Lake Chelan in the 1890s. Wenatchee: R. Byrd, 1972. F897.C4 L35 1992.
- Gellatly, Bernice. The Story of John A. Gellatly. Wenatchee: Wenatchee World, 1973. F899.W4 G45 1973.
- Gellatly, John A. History of Wenatchee, the Apple Capital of the World. Wenatchee, 1963. F899.W4 G4
- Johnson, Donald. Fables, Folklore, and Fabrications: Tales of Laughter and Misfortunes of Cowboys, Apple-Knockers, Ranchers and Loggers in Central Washington . Wenatchee: Apple Blossom Publishing, 2003. PS3610.O334 F33 2003.
- Johnson, Margaret Walton. Above the Millpond: Early Days of Leavenworth in the 1920s. Omak: Walter Johnson, 2002. F899.L53 J64 2002.
- Mitchell, Bruce. By River, Trail, and Rail: A Brief History of the First Century of Transportation in the North Central Washington . Wenatchee: Wenatchee Daily World, 1968. HE213.W2 M57 1968.
- Scheuerman, Richard. The Wenatchee Valley and its First Peoples. Wenatchee: Wenatchee Valley Museum, 2005. E99.W53 S34 2005.
- Shotwell, Harry I. The Shotwell Story. Wenatchee: Wenatchee Daily World, 1953. F891.S4.
- United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. Wenatchee National Forest Fire Plan. Washington, D. C. : Government Printing Office, 1939. SD421.32.W2 W46 1939.
- Van Voorhis, Ford. Homesteaders of Chelan Butte. Portland: Binfords and Mort, 1984. F897.C4 V36 1984.
- Wenatchee World. Wenatchee Valley: Images of North Central Washington. Wenatchee: Wenatchee World, 2002. F897.W46 W46 2002.