Corpus Vitrearum Medii Aevi (King's College)
This site features photo of English stained glass, organized by county and city. See "Picture Archive" for images.
This site attempts to provide a pan-European press photo historical archive. At present it includes some 900,000 images from throughout European history.
Europe: Prints, Photographs (World Digital Library)
Images contributed by a variety of archives, libraries, and organizations.
First World War Poetry Digital Collection (University of Oxford)
Includes photographs from World War I, which can be accessed by keyword or subject.
Gallica (Bibliotheque Nationale)
The digital library of the Bibliotheque Nationale, with contributions from other French libraries, archives, museums. See the section on images.
Gertrude and Robert Metcalf Collection of Images of Stained Glass (Princeton University)
This collection features photos taken in the mid-1900s of stained glass in Austria, England, France, Germany, and Switzerland.
Images of Colonialism (Harvard University)
Made up largely of late-19th and early-20th century trade cards and illustrated European newspapers, this collection of more than 700 images offers insight into European perspectives on varying aspects of colonial experience by documenting how popular perceptions of Asia and Africa were created and disseminated.
Liberty, Equality, Fraternity: Exploring the French Revolution
The images in this collection have been primarily drawn from the Museum of the French Revolution in southwest France and Olin Library at Cornell University. Cartoons comprise the majority of images, though paintings and artifacts are also included in the collection. Select "browse"--> "images."
Making the History of 1989 (George Mason University)
This site documents the fall of communist regimes in eastern Europe. Included are photographs of the Berlin Wall's demise, the civil war in Yugoslavia, and demonstrations at Wenceslaus Square in Prague. See "primary sources" to find images.
Never Such Innocence: British Images of the First World War (Stanford University)
This exhibition features two versions of British participation in the First World War (1914–18): one by the British government in thousands of posters and one in nonofficial war art, poetry, and photographs.
Royal Society Picture Library
This database features digital images of paintings, drawings and prints held by the Royal Society. Images depict human anatomy, scientific equipment, and scientists from approximately the 17th to the 19th centuries.
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archives
Features photographs from the World War II era. Photos are searchable by location, date, and type.
WWII Photographs by J Malan Heslop (Brigham Young University)
Heslop, a member of the U.S. Army Signal Corp, 167 Signal Photographic Company, took these 1,350 photographs in Europe between September 1944 and May 1945.