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About ACM Digital Library

The ACM Digital Library (DL) is the world’s most comprehensive database of full-text articles and bibliographic literature covering computing and information technology.  This renowned repository includes the complete collection of ACM publications plus an extended bibliographic database of core works in computing from scholarly publishers. 

The DL’s integrated features, functionality, and content constitute a critical resource for computing professionals.  The DL is designed to facilitate information dissemination and sharing, interoperability, user-centered design, and collaboration for computing professionals, practitioners, researchers, and educators.  It offers a window on the digital world, with access to ideas and innovations -- great and small -- that continue to foster and form the information age.

Making critical content discoverable and accessible has been the primary goal of the ACM Digital Library since its inception. Expanding the scope of the ACM DL beyond ACM's conference proceedings, journals, magazines and newsletters to include fully integrated bibliographic data of all computing literature has proven to be an extremely important part of that primary goal. The ACM DL aims to be a destination where presentation and collaboration allow for relationships to form, extending the boundaries of the past and envisioning the future.

Search Guide and Examples

You will retrieve more predictable results and gain more control over your search by using the plus operator directly and placing parenthesis in the appropriate places.  Let’s say we are interested in parallel computing used in biomedical applications. A search query could be

+(biomedical) +("parallel processing" "parallel computing" "distributed computing")

entered in the single search box. Using this query will catch variations in terminology for grid computing. Anything in quotation marks is searched as a phrase. Singular terms seek the singular and plural version of the word. There are not right and wrong answers here.

Experiment with different keywords to find the best search.  Let’s broaden the search by using the terms biology and biological. Edit your query in the single search box to be

+(biomedical biology biological) +("parallel processing" "parallel computing" "distributed computing")

If you find an article that is relevant, you can use the index terms (ACM Computing Classification System – CCS rev. 2012) to narrow your results to make them more relevant. You could use the query

+(biomedical biology biological) +acmdlCCS:("parallel computing methodologies")

to this end. In addition, you can use the classification system to search for articles for a particular index term by selecting it. ACM provides a tool within the visual display format to facilitate the application of 2012 CCS categories to forthcoming papers and a process to ensure that the CCS stays current and relevant. The new classification system will play a key role in the development of a people search interface in the ACM Digital Library to supplement its current traditional bibliographic search.

The advanced ACM Digital Library search allows for:

  • the specific placement of terms: (title, abstract, review),
  • a name search for author or editor
  • a search by name of publication, or name of the publisher
  • the ability to limit by publication type (journal, proceeding, transaction, magazine, newsletter)
  • a search by conference sponsor and location
  • a search by author affiliation
  • and a search using the Computing Classification System.