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Remixing OER

Instructions on and examples of how to re-mix an OER and create your own personal pedagogical tool.

How to Use this Guide

This LibGuide is a Capstone project for the LeadOER program by SPARC, explained in the second tab.

It carries a CC BY SA Creative Commons License.


How to find content

There are tabs on finding different types of content, both the content to start with and the content to add. 

Throughout the discussions, two example books will be used, one, from OpenStax, on American History, specifically the chapter on WWII.

The second book is on Online Education.

Creating Online Learning Experiences: A Brief Guide to Online Courses, from Small and Private to Massive and Open

Finally, there are some links to find content to add to OERs and a technical guide.

Why Remix an OER

Re-mixing OERs empower faculty to create the pedagogy that they feel is best for their students.  Writing an OER is time consuming, but much of the basic material exists.  Re-mixing an OER allows educators to add local focus, cultural content, or other information they feel is missing from basic texts.  It allows them to add exercises or questions throughout the reading to create a text that they feel meets their students’ needs.

Start finding OER

Open Textbooks

Portals are sites to find OERs from many sites, so licenses may vary.  Be sure to check.