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Associations, organizations, etc.
- The Asia Society: America's leading institution dedicated to fostering under-standing of Asia and communication between Americans and the peoples of Asia and the Pacific. A national nonprofit, nonpartisan educational organization, the Society provides a forum for building awareness of the more than thirty countries broadly defined as the Asia-Pacific region - the area from Japan to Iran, and from Central Asia to New Zealand, Australia and the Pacific Islands.
- ASIANetwork: A consortium of about hundred and fifty North American colleges, ASIANetwork strives to strengthen the role of Asian Studies within the framework of liberal arts education to help prepare succeeding generations of undergraduates for a world in which Asian societies play prominent roles in an ever more interdependent world.
- Association for Asian Studies: The largest society of its kind in the world; the AAS is a scholarly, non-political, non-profit professional association open to all persons interested in Asia. It seeks through publications, meetings, and seminars to facilitate contact and an exchange of information among scholars to increase their understanding of East, South, and Southeast Asia. It counts among its members scholars, business people, diplomats, journalists, and interested lay persons.
- Association for Korean Studies in Europe: This organization is the main scholarly society for Korean studies in greater Europe. Its objectives are to stimulate and co-ordinate academic Korean studies in all countries of Europe, and to contribute to the spread of knowledge of Korea among a wider public.
- Centers for South and Southeast Asian Studies, Columbia University Libraries: A large collection of links to scholarly association on South Asia.
- East Asia Resource Center at the University of Washington's Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies: EARC provides professional development programs and teaching resources about East Asia to U.S. elementary and secondary school teachers. The mission of the EARC is to deepen educators’ understanding of East Asia and improve their teaching about the region.
- Society for East Asian Anthropology: The East Asia Section (EAS) is an officially recognized group within the American Anthropological Association (AAA), open to all members of the AAA, but its activities are intended to reach beyond the membership of the AAA.
- The East-West Center: The East-West Center is an education and research organization established by the U.S. Congress in 1960 to strengthen relations and understanding among the peoples and nations of Asia, the Pacific, and the United States.
- European Association for Japanese Studies: An association of scholars and researchers focussing on Japan.
- European Association for Southeast Asian Studies: EUROSEAS is an association of European scholars who want to integrate their work, directed at Southeast Asia, with that of other European Southeast Asia specialists.
- International Institute for Asian Studies: is a postdoctoral research centre based in Leiden and Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Its main objective is to encourage the study of Asia and to promote national and international cooperation in this field. The geographical scope of the institute covers South Asia, Southeast Asia, East Asia, and Central Asia. The institute focuses on the humanities and the social sciences and, where relevant, on their interaction with other sciences.
- Japan Foundation: The first specialist organization to foster international cultural exchange in Japan.
- Nordic institute of Asian Studies: The organization's focus ia aimed at research relevant to the understanding of contemporary Asia within the framework of the social sciences and interface disciplines in natural sciences and the humanities. The mission of NIAS is: To undertake and support innovative research of high quality to strengthen NIAS' position as an international