Climate Justice by Mary RobinsonISBN: 1632869284
Publication Date: 2018-09-04
"Climate Justice by former President of Ireland, Mary Robinson, is a nonfiction novel that follows the author’s fight against climate change and many humanitarian inequalities. This manifesto incorporates a variety of harsh circumstances from all over the world, each with pressing issues relating to human activity and our negative impacts on the climate. Robinson focuses on 10 separate stories involving extreme climate events, ranging from rising sea levels, bitter hurricanes, desertification, and water scarcity; all of which jeopardize the prosperity of destitute communities. Learning about these activists from Africa, Asia, and the Americas, was eye-opening as their fight to be heard is not only very informative but inspiring as progress for change is underway. 8 out of 10 stories were shared by women, which is very empowering as a woman in science, to see ordinary women become leaders in order to protect their communities. A quote that stuck with me throughout the duration of the book is, “ ‘All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.” Yet, when it comes to the effects of climate change, there has been nothing but chronic injustice and the corrosion of human rights” (Robinson). As humans, we have to acknowledge that we are the problem and if everyone positively shifted their lifestyle, the whole climate system could start healing in places that need it the most." - Review by Jordyn Braithwaite