Following the guidelines listed below will help you avoid plagiarism and keep you away from the doors of the CWU Office of Student Affairs:
- Did you give proper credit? - Indicate when you borrow material from an author whether it is a quote or a paraphrase.
- Did you use quotation marks? - Enclose all quoted words, phrases and sentences in quotation marks.
- Did you paraphrase? - Provide a citation to indicate the source material you have used just as you would a quotation.
- Did you use the correct documentation style? - Use one of the academic documentation styles (APA, MLA or CSE) to provide the proper in-text citations for each of your sources and to adhere to the rules of writing in a particular discipline.
- Did you provide a complete reference list? - At the end of your paper, a list should be present and will include complete bibliographic citation for every source you used and cited.