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Citation Styles & Tools

A brief explanation of citation fundamentals and a guide to useful resources.

About Mendeley

Mendeley is a free reference manager for helping you organize your research articles and materials. You can access Mendeley from an online digital library on any computer, and from a desktop manager. It can be used to:

  • Create and manage citations of books, articles, videos, and more
  • Import citations from databases
  • Automatically extract metadata from imported PDFs
  • Collaborate with other researchers online
  • Find relevant papers based on what you’re reading
  • Highlight and annotate papers and share those notes with others
  • Organize using groups, tags, and filters

Getting Mendeley

Step 1: Sign up for Mendeley

Sign up for Mendeley by visiting:

Step 2: Install Mendeley Desktop

For Mac computers: 

For Windows computers:

Step 3: Install the web importer

Go to

The web importer for Chrome and Firefox will appear as an icon in the top of your browser window

Click there to add the document to your Mendeley library.

Note: The web importer for Internet Explorer may not work on some devices. The web importer for Safari needs to be clicked and dragged to your bookmarks bar. If you cannot see your bookmarks make sure you enable the "show bookmarks bar" option first. This can be found under "View".

Adding Materials to your Library

There are three main ways for adding materials to your library:

  1. Dragging PDFs into your library
  2. Using the Mendeley browser plugin
  3. Manually adding items 

1) Drag PDFs from your desktop into your library, or a specific folder in your library.


2) Use the Mendeley plugin from your browser to add the item to your library from the web.


3) Manually add the item from either your web library or your desktop library version.  


If you've already added an item and notice that there are errors or incomplete metadata associated with the item, you can edit it through the details section.


Brief Mendeley tutorial for beginners