If you're interested in working in a school library setting, there are a few things to know.
- In the state of Washington, school librarians should expect to have a teacher certification. Check out the pathways for getting started with Teacher Certification at CWU.
- You will also want a Library Media Endorsement. Endorsements are usually added after you have completed a teacher certification.
- You can find information about the Library Media Program at CWU through the College of Education and Professional Studies.
- If you are looking to get a job in school libraries outside of Washington State, check state requirements before starting your education track. You can use this tool to check out State Departments of Education and find standards information.
- To view the currently recognized AASL-CAEP programs in list format, go to the CAEP Directory of Accredited Institutions, click on “Nationally Recognized Program Search” and then select “American Library Association (ALA)” for Program Area and “All” for State/Country. These are usually Masters programs.