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Hispanic-Serving Institutions

Information and resources about Hispanic-Serving Institutions

What is an HSI?

According to the US Department of Education, a Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI) is defined as an institution of higher education that—
(A) is an eligible institution; and
(B) has an enrollment of undergraduate full-time equivalent students that is at least 25 percent Hispanic students at the end of the award year immediately preceding the date of application.

Getting Started with Searching

Search Terms:

Using only the term (HSI) when searching may bring back a mix of results as that term also has science and safety related uses as well.

Use "Hispanic Serving Institution" as a phrase with the quotation marks when searching for materials.

Also make use use of your specific research interest when searching. For example, you can build search strings such as:

"Hispanic Serving Institutions" AND "graduation rates"

"Hispanic Serving Institutions" AND ("graduation rates" OR "retention rates")


Subject Heading Examples:

Hispanic Americans--Education

Hispanic Americans--Education (Higher)

Mexican Americans--Education

Mexican American students

Mexican American college students

Journal of Interest