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Children's & Young Adult Literature Collections

Statement of Purpose

Central Washington University has its roots as a Normal School starting in 1891, educating teachers in the state of Washington and growing education for children within the state. The books in the Normal School Collection are part of that history and are maintained in a collection for scholars reviewing the history of pedagogy and education, and as artifacts of the university. The First 75 Years: A History of Central Washington State College by Samuel Mohler provides background on the early days of the Normal School and the development of CWU. Today CWU remains a known educator for teachers within the state.

As with most historical collections, books may include negative representations, depictions, or unfair treatments of peoples, cultures, or identities. As an academic library these books and materials are maintained to learn from and continue conversations to create a more inclusive educational practice in the future.


Navigating the Collection

The Normal School Collection is located on the 2nd floor of the library and available to browse. Additionally, you can search for a topic of interest in OneSearch and sort to "Normal School 2nd Floor" under the Physical Location filter.