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Video & Audio Recording Software

Reviews and resources on video recording at CWU

Hosting Locations

While understanding the features available is half the process in deciding what video tools to use, determining your hosting is the other half. Hosting refers to where the video file lives and is accessible to your intended audience.

CWU Supported Hosting Locations

  • Kaltura - Video hosting platform in Canvas you can upload self-created content
  • Panopto - Recording and hosting of self-created videos

Other Hosting

  • Youtube - requires a Google account, can set link access to private or public access


A transcript is simply a text version of words spoken in a video that does not necessarily synchronize with video content. Captioning converts all audio content in the video (words spoken, sounds, background noises, singing, etc.) into text that is arranged to display synchronously with video content. Captioning is required for accessibility for viewers who are deaf or those experiencing hearing loss.

Some software has captioning built-in, but it's pretty rare. However, hosting locations are getting better about making it part of their upload process or after upload.

Captioning options:

  • YouTube - You can edit automatically created transcriptions and add captioning in the YouTube Creator Studio to make accessible video content. See the edit or remove captions article on YouTube's help section for assistance.
  • Panopto - Allows you to upload captions after recording
  • Google Slides - Can perform live captioning during the presentation of slides