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PADstone 184

Research guide for students completing the FYE or PADstone 184 course.

Information Intake

How frequently do you read the news? (physical paper, mobile phone, any format)
Daily: 45 votes (28.13%)
Weekly: 66 votes (41.25%)
Monthly: 49 votes (30.63%)
Total Votes: 160
How comfortable do you feel evaluating news sources?
Very unsure: 5 votes (3.29%)
Often unsure: 33 votes (21.71%)
Fairly comfortable: 102 votes (67.11%)
Very comfortable: 12 votes (7.89%)
Total Votes: 152
When reading news stories, how frequently do you fact check material found in the article?
All the time: 7 votes (4.32%)
Frequently: 48 votes (29.63%)
Occasionaly: 52 votes (32.1%)
Rarely: 43 votes (26.54%)
Never: 12 votes (7.41%)
Total Votes: 162

Group Discussion

Discussion 1

A) Think of someone you trust. What factors make them a trustworthy source?

B) If we were to translate those into trustworthy criteria, what would they look like?

Discussion 2

A) Identify 3 reasons why you would not trust the materials in front of you.

Questions adapted from Heather Beirne's lesson plan.



End of Session

Complete this brief survey at the end of the library session.

End of Session Survey