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Library Services for College in the High School Faculty

A guide to services offered by CWU Brooks Library for support of Faculty of Central Washington University.


Library Services offered by CWU Brooks Library

CWU James E. Brooks Library -- Your Partner for Student Success

As Adjunct faculty of Central Washington University you have the same library privileges as all faculty of the University. This gives you access to all the subscribed journals, databases, electronic books, and reference services.

Start your access here, through OneSearch (make sure you are signed in).


Additionally, you can request for a visit to the CWU Brooks Library on the ellensburg campus:
·   Reach out to your library liaison to set up date and time (Janet Calderon, Student Success Librarian)

·   Includes library tour and research presentation
·   Presentation is tailored to your class needs
·   Some classes have opted to set up their students with their CWU ID cards on the same day

Other Library Research Guides

Click the links below to other access some of our discipline specific subject guides, or browse all our guides:

Biologic Sciences


English 101

English 102



Test Anxiety and how to manage it


Further Readings

Open Access Material and ebooks from CWU Collections

Open access materials include content that is made open for use through Creative Commons licenses, Public Domain, or open access through another means. Many great, and free, resources are available to use for teaching.

Below the Open Access Resources are links to ebooks you can check out online from our library.