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American Indian Studies

A resource guide for American Indian Studies research.

CWU Libraries Collections

Audio, Lectures, and Oral Histories
 John Allen Nicholson Pictures
Suncadia Collection (photos)

Digital Collections Based on Region

American Indians of the Pacific Northwest Collection
This site, by the University of Washington, provides access to original photographs and documents about the Northwest Coast and Plateau Indian cultures, as well as essays written by anthropologists, historians, and teachers about particular tribes and cross-cultural topics.
C. Hart Merriam Collection of Native American Photographs
This collection comprises images taken by C. Hart Merriam (1855-1942) as he documented the languages of California Indian tribes.
First Nation Collection
Provided by Southern Oregon University, this collection comprises documents, books, and articles relating to the indigenous peoples of southwestern Oregon and northern California. Some of the nations represented include the Coos, Hupa, Karuk, Klamath, Modoc, Takelma, Shasta, Siuslaw, Cow Creek Band of Umpqua, Yahooskin, and Yurok nations.
In the Beginning Was the Word: The Russian Church and Native Alaskan Cultures
The Library of Congress worked collaboratively with Russian linguist Vyacheslav Ivanov to assemble this collection of photographs and documents taken from the Alaskan Russian Church Archives. The exhibit documents exchanges between priests of the Russian Orthodox Church and native Alaskans from 1794 to about 1915.
Native Peoples of Northern Great Plains
This database includes photographs, paintings, ledger drawings, documents, serigraphs, and stereographs created between 1874 and the 1940s, documenting the culture of tribes on the northern Great Plains.
Richard Throssel Papers
This collection includes 2,481 photographs, glass plate negatives and lantern slides created by Richard Throssel while on the Crow and Northern Cheyenne reservations from 1902-1933. Photographs show daily life, villages, ranching, and scenery in southern Montana and northern Wyoming.

Manuscripts Relating to Samson Occom and Eleazar Wheelock's Early Indian Students, 1740s-1790s
This collection by Dartmouth College Library documents the work of Samson Occom, a member of the Mohegan nation, who worked to found a Christian Indian community in the Oneida territory at the end of the eighteenth century. The collection comprises letters, diaries, sermons, prose, and annotated books that touch on topics like the Great Awakening, attitudes toward Indians in the 18th century, missionary work among the Indians, the education of Indians, and Mohegan language and culture.

Ayer Ojibwa Collection
This collection, created by Jeannette O. and Harry D. Ayer, contains many examples of traditional Ojibwa objects such as bandolier bags, moccasins, belts and bands. Objects are searchable by keyword and topic.
Camping with the Sioux: Fieldwork Diary of Alice Cunningham Fletcher
This site presents two journals kept by Alice Fletcher during a six-week venture into Plains Indian territory in 1881. For convenience, the diary has been divided into daily entries.
Dakota Conflict Trials of 1862
Douglas O. Linder, of the School of Law at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, has created this website, which features photos, maps, and excerpts of first-person accounts relating to the Sioux uprising and trials of 1862.
Lakota Winter Counts
The Lakota once marked the passage of time by drawing pictures of memorable events on calendars known as winter counts. This exhibit by Smithsonian Institute features a searchable database of winter counts as well as a documentary about Lakota history and video interviews with Lakota people.
Missions to Native North Americans
Provided by Harvard University Library, this collection documents the work of the Dakota Mission, which worked to Christianize the eastern Sioux beginning in 1835. The collection covers 1844-1859 and 1882, with annual reports, school reports, correspondence from missionaries, items in the Dakota language (including the Constitution of Minnesota), and other materials that document missionary efforts to teach English to members of the tribe.
Omaha Indian Heritage
This site aims to provide an online catalog of Omaha artifacts and photographic images drawn from sources around the world. Partners in the project include the University of Nebraska State Museum, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, and the Nebraska State Historical Society, in consultation with the Omaha tribe. Also included on the website are essays by ethnographers and scholars of Omaha history and culture, including works from the late nineteenth century.
Omaha Indian Music
This exhibit, by the Library of Congress, presents sound recordings that document Omaha culture. Included in the collection are wax cylinder recordings made in the 1890s, songs and spoken-word segments recorded in the 1980s, and photos of celebrations during the 1980s.
Plains Indian Ledger Art
This site from UC San Diego makes available Plains drawing created during the 1860-1900 period. Twenty-seven ledgers are currently available for viewing.

Duke Collection of American Indian Oral History
This site provides access to interviews (1967 -1972) conducted with hundreds of Indians in Oklahoma regarding the histories and cultures of their respective nations and tribes. Related are accounts of Indian ceremonies, customs, social conditions, philosophies, and standards of living.
Traders: Voices from the Trading Post
Offered by Northern Arizona University, this site provides access to oral interviews with members of the United Indian Traders Association (UITA), a non-profit organization formed In 1931 to promote improved business practices among Indian traders, arts and crafts dealers.

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