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ScholarWorks @ CWU

This guide introduces ScholarWorks, the institutional repository for Central Washington University, and explains its use by members of the university community.

Submitting After SOURCE

The Symposium of University Research and Creative Expression (SOURCE) is an excellent method for sharing your research! However, the sharing doesn't stop there and you can submit your research to the repository afterwards. Submitting work to the institutional repository, ScholarWorks, is an excellent way to preserve your research and make it accessible beyond the SOURCE event. Similar to getting published in a journal offers continued findability of your research, submitting your work to ScholarWorks overs continued discoverability and is something you can add to your resume.

Follow the directions below to submit your work!

How to Submit to Scholarworks

To begin submitting your SOURCE Project to ScholarWorks, first select "Submit Research" from the ScholarWorks homepage.

On ScholarWorks homepage, select Submit Research.


On the Submit Your Research page, select "Symposium of University Research and Creative Expression".

Next, select Symposium of University Research and Creative Expression.


You will then be asked to sign in to your ScholarWorks account. If you don't already have one, you can create one using your CWU email address. Once you have logged on, you will be taken to an agreement page like the one below that outlines submission requirements:

Submission agreement page


After you click "Continue", simply complete the form on the next page, click "Submit", and you're done!