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UNIV 101 - Academic Advising Seminar

Scholarly & Popular

To be scholarly, or not to be?

Teen Vogue
Scholarly: 40 votes (6.71%)
Popular: 556 votes (93.29%)
Total Votes: 596
Journal of Applied Physics
Scholarly: 552 votes (95.67%)
Popular: 25 votes (4.33%)
Total Votes: 577
Discovery Channel
Scholarly: 363 votes (46.48%)
Popular: 418 votes (53.52%)
Total Votes: 781
Seattle Times
Scholarly: 347 votes (40.21%)
Popular: 516 votes (59.79%)
Total Votes: 863

What is peer review?

Peer review is a lengthy process that ensures what a journal publishes is featuring new ideas or discoveries, coming from a reliable source, and is a good fit for the intended audience of the journal. Along with ensuring the content is accurate and relevant, the peer review process also checks that the author's writing is clear and there are no spelling or grammatical errors and the format is correct.

For more information on the peer review process and how a journal publishes new articles, check out