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ADMG 525 - Global Managerial Communications

What is OneSearch

What is OneSearch?

OneSearch is a single search interface that allows patrons to simultaneously search several article databases, catalogs, and other data sources for books, journal articles, videos, scores, maps, and more! This catalog is shared by members of the Orbis Cascade Alliance (Summit), a consortium of 37 academic libraries across Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. OneSearch contains 8.8 million titles and over 26 million resources.

What can it do?

OneSearch offers our users major advantages, such as:

  • Unifying book and journal searches
  • Streamlining Summit and Interlibrary Loan functions within the system
  • Access to millions of articles and reports that were previously unavailable




How can I check my library account?

How do I add items to my e-shelf?

Can I search by author?

How do I search for e-books?

What do the search scopes mean?

How do I save a search query and where do they go?

What is Browse Search and what does it do?

How long until OneSearch times out?

What browsers are supported for OneSearch?


How can I check my library account?

You can check your account holdings from the homepage of the library website under the search box, or you can check it from selecting Sign In in the upper right of your search results:

How do I add items to my e-shelf?

You can add items selecting the pin button for a record.

You can access these again later by selecting the pin button in the upper right-hand corner and selecting the Saved Records tab.

Can I search by author?

One way to search for an author is to simply type the author's name into the search box with the last name first. OneSearch handles names differently when they are searched with the last name first and attributes that order as an author name.

Ex: Smith, Joe

Another way to search for an author is through the Advanced Search where you can select "As author/creator" from the drop-down menu.

How do I search for e-books?

One way is to search for e-books from the beginning of your search through Advanced Search.

Another way is to select e-books as a Resource Type using the Tweak My Results sidebar after your search. 

What do the search scopes mean?

  • CWU Resources: Electronic and physical holdings unique and/or purchased directly by CWU, plus open access materials and free resources
  • CWU + Summit Libraries: CWU and Orbis Cascade Alliance (physical materials + ebooks)
  • Research Guides: Searches our course and subject research guides
  • CWU ScholarWorks: Searches the institutional repository of scholarship
  • Course Reserves: Looks for materials that have been placed on reserve for a particular course


How do I save a search query and where do they go?

With any query you make in OneSearch, you have the option to save that query. That means save the words and order of the words you searched. You can save them from your results page from under the search box.

You can access these again later by selecting the pin button in the upper right-hand corner and clicking the Saved Searches tab.


What is Browse Search and what does it do?

Browse Search is a function that allows you to browse Library of Congress (LC) subject headings used by the search engine. If you have a specific term, like "Monkey", but you're not sure what other terms LC uses, it can help provide suggestions. It also allows you to search by author and title as well as subject. It can be a useful way to explore additional, related terms are being used.


How long until OneSearch times out?

OneSearch will time you out every 60 minutes.

What browsers are supported for OneSearch?

* Internet Explorer 8.x, 9.x and 10.x for Windows XP, Windows Vista (from IE7), Windows 2000.
* Firefox 27.0.1 for Windows platforms as above, Mac OS X.
* Chrome 33.0 and later
* Safari 6: for Mac OS X.