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Philosophy & Religious Studies/NEH Colloquium Series on Ethics

Social Media, Propaganda, & Public Opinion

We live in an information-saturated world and increasingly struggle to sort fact from fiction. This research guide accompanies the multidisciplinary panel discussion held October 28, 2020, with representatives from Philosophy & Religious Studies, Library Sciences, Communications, Political Science, and World Languages & Cultures and explores the harms of disinformation in democratic societies and discuss manipulative algorithms, fake news, dehumanizing language in the media, and how to combat these harms.

Resources for Dr. Francesco Somaini's Problematic Framing of Political Issues, Implications of Dehumanizing Political Language

Resources for Dr. Lauren Nuckol's Manipulative Algorithms, Autonomy, and Moral Responsibility

Resources for Information Literacy, Fake News, and Avoiding Confirmation Bias