If you are just beginning your research, we suggest starting in OneSearch. However, as you get further along in your research we recommend that you move your search into our subject specific databases. Below you will find some search tips that apply both to OneSearch and the Library's databases.
Incorporating search operators into your search is a way to clarify, narrow, or broaden your search. Here are some tips you can use in your own searches:
Quotes can be used to identify and search for a specific phrasing of words strung togeher. Quotes can be very useful for searching titles. For example,
The Color Purple | Searchs all instances of the term "color" and "purple", ranking instances where they are together more highly |
"The Color Purple" | Looks for instances for the entire phrase "The Color Purple", and when those words exist in that order |
Boolean Operators
Boolean operators are used to narrow or broaden a search, they include AND, OR, and NOT. Using all-caps in OneSearch is important, and you'll get different results by using lowercase. Here are some examples of how to use boolean operators:
Fireworks AND Explosives --- Returns instances where both "fireworks" and "explosives" are mentioned in the record
Fireworks OR Explosives --- Returns instances where either "fireworks" or "explosives" are mentioned in the record
Fireworks NOT Explosives --- Returns instances of the word "fireworks, but not where "explosives" is included in the record